Amanda Fall published 64 issues of The Phoenix Soul digital magazine between 2011-2018. (Originally published under the name Sprout magazine from 2011-2014, then rebranded as The Phoenix Soul in 2015.) Amanda proudly published intimate interviews, gaspworthy poetry, vibrant artwork, evocative essays, soul-stirring creative prompts, thoughtful flash fiction, handwritten love notes, and more, all complemented by mixed media backgrounds. The Phoenix Soul magazine was always reader-supported and ad free. Amanda will forever be grateful to her dedicated staff, brave contributors, and of course beloved readers! Check out all previously published issues here.
After giving birth to her child in 2018 and facing postpartum depression, panic attacks, and anxiety, Amanda needed to “phoenix rebirth” her publishing process to something more sustainable and adapted to her new life. She currently publishes submissions via our free collaborative blog. Amanda also curates community on Patreon (monthly art mail sent to your “real” mailbox, weekly soul prompts, printables for art journaling or collage, and more), and continues to explore her role as creative encourager (including creating online art workshops and guest teaching in classes such as Book of Days).
“While our magazine issues cover timeless thoughts and creative explorations, I’ve grown tremendously since our last magazine publication date. You may encounter language in these issues I’d no longer use, including instances of naive cultural appropriation (such as the use of “tribe” before we switched to Soul Rise Stories). I apologize for this and any other unintentional harm caused by appropriation, ableism, or anything else I now understand better. While there is great good in these magazine pages, there are likely some outdated terms and thoughts. Please take the good and leave the rest behind. Thank you!”
“The Phoenix Soul is the best thing for my heart and soul. It lets me know I am not alone.”
“I love being part of such a beautiful, raw, open-hearted community!”
“I’m finally sitting down and reading the Rhythm edition of The Phoenix Soul on this quiet Sunday morning as music from the wind chime plays in the background. I stop to sip my cuppa, close my eyes, take a deep breath as the words sink into my exhausted mind. I find tears escaping down my cheeks as I realize that I’m not alone. I’m not the only one whose heart aches and whose body cries for healing. There is so much hope and wisdom and truth and vulnerability in these pages. If you aren’t subscribed . . . may I suggest you wait no longer?”
Every moment is a choice. Every breath is possibility.
How will we live? How will we love?
“The Phoenix Soul is a refuge for so many of us in this crazy world.”
“I’ve sobbed big, fat tears, and held my breath, and hoped anew, and exhaled gratitude.”
“What a heap of healing in those sacred pages.”
“we gather around each other and pull the quilts close. we become the glimmering candelight for one another, witnessing each other’s lives and reflecting back the truth of it all. we’ll never see it all or understand it all, yet there’s magic happening in the midst. you are known. you are loved. you are seen. you are welcome.”
Our collective voice is crying out. We are roaring with trembling truth. We are sacred, even when we are not treated so. Our voices matter, when we rage, we weep, we celebrate. Read full description. Amanda Fall + 10 guests (interview Emily Washines).
This is not about running yourself ragged or proving your worth. Passionate Purpose is about answering the fiery call of your wild phoenix soul, walking your unique path and lighting it UP. Read full description. Amanda + 11 guests (interview A’Driane Nieves).
Are you soul-weary? Craving more than a mindless-scroll, heart-hungry existence? Us, too. We hear the whisper within: “Life is more than this.” Read full description. Amanda + 11 guests (interview Jen Morris).
What if you need only enough bravery for one step? Let’s look fear in the eye and say, “You don’t own me anymore.” One brave move leads to another. Read full description. Amanda + 12 guests (interview Kara Ashley-Gilmore).
Do you remember who you are? You are starlight and story. Ashes and light. Grit and grace. Holy yes and fierce no. Go within, seek your inner constellation of true. Read full description. Amanda + 12 guests (interview Sheree Angela Matthews).
Love your real life—as is. Your mess. Your muck. Your oops. What if the scars and stains you’ve been taught to hide are part of your messy grace? Read full description. Amanda + 11 guests (interview Syda Howery).
What if wild joy could be a living, breathing presence in daily life? Joy is already here, blooming even in the weedy and neglected spaces of our hearts, growing wild. Read full description. Amanda + 14 guests (interview VersAnnette Blackman-Bosia).
See your life in full color. The world needs us, the awakened ones: we who live with intention, heart, depth, gentle power. Read full description. Amanda + 14 guests (interview Anab Roa).
Phoenix, do you feel worthy of love--just as you are? In all your glorious mess and rich complexity? In both your grit and your grace, your weeping and your singing? Read full description here. Amanda + 13 guests (interview Kyeli Smith).
Phoenix, do you recognize and honor your inner sage? Do you believe in your own wild wisdom? When we offer ourselves up to the wholeness of our existence, we are free to recognize the Sage within. Read full description here. Amanda + 13 guests (interview Jennifer Albin).
Kindred, it's time to honor your own everyday bravery. Simply to live with your heart and soul wide open, to embrace this aching healing grieving celebrating world -- and to love it all -- this, phoenix, is so brave. Read full description here. Amanda + 13 guests (interview Samie Kira Harding).
It's time to ditch whatever dulls our soul-shine. It's time we practice self-care/soul-care (with no shame). It's time we love ourselves, exactly as we are. Let's spark our flame together. Let's rise and shine. Read full description here. Amanda + 12 guests (interview Melissa Fernandez).
Have you been told to tamp down, fit in, to squash your unique identity? You deserve to be seen, heard, encouraged, & respected . . . in all your wild, wonderful weirdness. Read full description. Amanda + 13 guests (interview Nolwenn Petitbois).
What if your soul could be renewed, revived, reborn with every breath? You are made to rise. Choose your own daily rebirth . . . here, now. Read full description here. Amanda + 12 guests (interview Stephanie Gagos).
What story are you telling with your life? A tale of triumph and tenacity? Heartache and healing? Phoenix, you are the hero of your own life-story. And this? This is your legacy. Read full description here. Amanda + 12 guests (interview Noelle Juday).
When we connect soul-to-soul (the real in me meeting the real in you), it's easy to see we are global kin. When we start from a standpoint of kindness, compassion, and authenticity, we discover common threads. Read full description. Amanda + 13 guests (interview Kolleen Harrison).
Phoenix soul, it's time to come home to yourself. So often, we care for our beloveds before we care for ourselves. We are souls in motion, ready to save the world. But who will save us? Read full description. Amanda + 13 guests (interview Sandi Pike Foundas).
What hides within you, begging to be released? What have you contained, detained, maintained for too long? Dare to show the world your whole self: the true you. your lament and your joy. Your dark and your light (& every glimmer of grace between). Read full description. Amanda + 13 guests (interview Christa Gallopoulos).
Phoenix soul, you are exactly what the world needs: fierce and fragile. Tough and tender. Battle-scarred and laugh-lined. You weep and wail, howl and sing, scream and cheer and hang on to hope with the last gasp of air in your lungs. Read full description. Amanda + 11 guests (interview Jen Lemen).
Uncover your life's hidden magic. What if your everyday existence could be a playground for ordinary magic, startling connection, and gasps of grace? Read full description. Amanda + 11 guests (interview Cory Sipper).
I see your never-give-up determination. I see your fiery commitment to crafting the life of your dreams. I see your tireless daily intention to live with meaning and depth. You are the new revolution, the next generation of hope and healing in this world. Read full description. Amanda + 12 guests (interview Carly Mojica.
Come back to vibrant life. Phoenix, you have struggled long enough. You were not born to slog through life. You didn't survive every ache & rebirth simply to get by. You were made to thrive, to feel wildly alive. Read full description. Amanda + 12 guests (interview Stephanie Perkinson).
What if we are each born with a rhythm all our own? What if, when we tune into that strong-heart song, we can dance through life in harmony and holy ease, instead of resistance and regret? Read full description. Amanda + 11 guests (interview Alisha Sommer).
Brave one, it's time to lace up our adventurer boots. Let's honor the sacred dust beneath our feet, the life-path that makes us fierce and true and tough and tender. Read full description. Amanda + 10 guests (interview Elloa Atkinson).
How can we re-see our lives with freshness and possibility? What would happen if we peered through a lens of love instead of fear's filter? Read full description. Amanda + 10 guests (interview Heather A. Mattern).
What if you let your fears, burdens, and regrets reduce to ash? What if you rise, winged and true? Beloved, you have carried your burden long enough. Let it burn in Love's pure fire. Read full description. Amanda + 9 guests (interview Pixie Lighthorse).