more than this // The Phoenix Soul: Wholehearted Living

more than this // The Phoenix Soul: Wholehearted Living

Dear soul,

I know you are weary.
Worn thin.

You catch yourself mindlessly scrolling, binging videos of whatever comes along, consuming so-called culture, but you still feel empty. Yearning. You are craving . . . something.

Your soul cries out: 
Life is more than this.


There's a way to enliven your heart. To plug back into your soul-source and not just your devices.


To feel your ache and your healing, your grit and your grace, your grief and your celebration--and honor it all.

We're looking for the way, too. You aren't alone.

We're asking questions of the heart. We're waking our numbed existence. We're shaking up, shaking off, rising into our most embodied and wholehearted lives.

Artwork & image by Amanda Fall; published in TPS: Wholehearted Living

Artwork & image by Amanda Fall; published in TPS: Wholehearted Living

Phoenix soul, I dare us to bring our whole beings to life–every rumpled, weary, tough, tender part of ourselves. Bring our fear. Bring our excitement.
Our grief and our glory. Bring our whole (broken, fragmented, stitched back together, made real) heart. All our phoenix risings. Bring it all.

Power resides in embracing the AND. Hurt and healing, muddled and clear, grit and grace. Our so-called failings and daily tiny triumphs. Live it all. Love it all. This is our life. This. No matter what we are doing, let’s do it with whole (aching, singing) heart. Together.
— letter to reader, TPS: Wholehearted Living

Will you come listen to soul-whispers with us?
Will you come back to life?

with love & awe,

I messed up.

"please don't wait" // Truth Tribe interview: Kara Ashley-Gilmore

"please don't wait" // Truth Tribe interview: Kara Ashley-Gilmore