I messed up.

Phoenix souls . . .
I messed up.

Embracing Wholehearted Living (our current theme) also means owning up to my mistakes. Once I've realized that I MESSED UP, it's time to change!

Photo Apr 25, 12 28 53 PM.jpg

I've been working to educate myself on social justice, white privilege, and how my platform can be a force for good.

In this eye-opening search, I've gotten uncomfortable about my own language within The Phoenix Soul--one term in particular. Tribe. When I named our feature interview almost four years ago, Truth Tribe was meant with the best of intentions. But good intentions while doing harm are, quite frankly, a load of crap.

I didn't realize then that my intention behind the word--a broader sense meaning kindred, a gathering of souls like family--wasn't enough. Using this word  when native and indigenous people are still being oppressed and marginalized IS causing harm, even though I didn't realize that until recently. 

And THAT, of course, is white privilege. The very fact that it didn't occur to me.

I'm truly sorry for causing harm. For appropriating this important word. For not understanding the significance. For diminishing this word's meaning.

I know better now. So I will do better.

I'm brainstorming/soul-searching RIGHT NOW for a new name for our feature interviews and will announce the rebirth as soon as possible, and will work to remove any "tribe" language from our page.

Thank you for reading.

with love & respect,


"Transformed by Writing" by Diana Raab, PhD (guest author)

"Transformed by Writing" by Diana Raab, PhD (guest author)

more than this // The Phoenix Soul: Wholehearted Living

more than this // The Phoenix Soul: Wholehearted Living