The Phoenix Soul. We are truth-speakers, heart-on-our-sleevers, love-believers. You are. I am. We are The Phoenix Soul (indie digital magazine & community).
Phoenix soul, let's dare to bring our whole beings to life–every rumpled, weary, tough, tender part of ourselves. Bring our fear. Bring our excitement. Our grief and our glory. Bring our whole (broken, fragmented, stitched back together, made real) heart. All our phoenix risings. Bring it all. Live it all. Love it all. With gusto.
“Don’t assume that because others are doing something, it must be the right thing to do. Most of the time it’s not! You are free to choose what you believe and how you live, and that’s a wonderful thing. Don’t waste it.”
“I look in the mirror and see a woman I hardly recognize. She is worn. Made real, like the Velveteen Rabbit. Grittier and more full of grace than ever. I’m intensely proud of her in a way I never have been before. I love this woman. I love the me that is coming to be.”
“The Divine, she lives in our heart. Even when–maybe especially when–we can’t feel it. Even when–maybe especially when–we’re in the darkest darkness and we feel empty and alone and like nothing we do will ever matter. The spark of light that keeps you going when you feel like you can’t keep going? That’s it. That’s what I’m talking about. Connect with that, and let it lead your heart back out into wholeness.”
How can you live wholeheartedly when you feel broken? When ache chases you into dawn? When anxiety, doubt, or grief hound you? When chaos seems to rule our world? We seek these answers together, finding revitalization in fully embodying our lives, embracing and allowing every part of our messy/beautiful journey.
What would it look like to be our whole selves in a hurting world? Healing spirals outward, from self to world. Inner revelation sparks outer revolution.
Step into the circle, where we celebrate both our individuality and our oneness as a soul-family. This is our life--here, now. No matter what we're doing, let's do it with whole (aching, singing) heart. Join us in The Phoenix Soul: Wholehearted Living.
1. Amanda Fall, Jen Morris, Sheree Angela Matthews, Kortney Garrison. 2. Michelle Bernard, Maureen Helms Blake, De Jackson, suzanne l. vinson. 3. Nolwenn Petitbois, Melissa Fernandez, Kyeli Smith, VersAnnette Blackman-Bosia.
“What if I bring to each ordinary task my full attention and my whole heart? Move through the routines with a sacred gratefulness?”
“Another layer is shedding, and my identity feels as if it’s fading. Something new and different is emerging from the creative waters. This feels liberating, but apprehension also enters. I’m craving a simpler, yet whole life. Everything in my house feels like it needs to go.”
“Exiting this fragmented space,
where nothing is crystal;
I trust, instead,
my legs, hips, and arms to take care of me.
When ink
can’t shape my words,
the soft curves of my body
move as my journal . . .”