You are loved (as is)

You are loved (as is)

I feel like a mess so much of the time. Like I'm coming apart at the seams.

Maybe I am.

Maybe that's what growing feels like. Gibran's "breaking the shell of your understanding." Maybe phoenix cycles of death and rebirth are less glamorous and more blood, sweat, and tears (and a few choice swear words).

“You are loved,” positive printable artwork by The Phoenix Soul, held by a person wearing overalls

We are growing, despite/because of it all.

We are (already) loved, just as we are. Mess and all.

We are (already) more than worthy--just by being here, by breathing, by being who we are.

You are loved, positive printable artwork by The Phoenix Soul

“You are loved,” positive printable artwork by The Phoenix Soul, framed on a mantel

Sending you love, from my messy/aching/healing phoenix heart to yours.

Win a seat: Gratitude Junk Journal 2022

Win a seat: Gratitude Junk Journal 2022

A Gift: Hannah Jane Weber

A Gift: Hannah Jane Weber