be gentle // Truth Tribe interview: Sandi Pike Foundas
What does true comfort look like?
What would happen if you gave yourself permission to feel . . . everything? What if, in times of deep ache and wild joy, you treated yourself with gentle acceptance?
Sandi Pike Foundas intimately knows both loss and healing. Through life's unpredictable ups and downs, she clings to "love and gratitude," continually choosing "to keep [her] eyes and heart wide open."
I'm so grateful to welcome Sandi into the pages of The Phoenix Soul, collaborating on our latest edition of Truth Tribe interview. Comfort and Sandi are synonymous in my mind. Although we've never met in person, Sandi has become a gentle beacon in my life. She is light. She is kindness. She is comfort.
Sandi's a long-time member of our TPS community (even back when we were known as Sprout). We connected over a single penny, a strange glitch of a charge when she purchased an issue, in what now feels like pure serendipity.
I've long been a fan of her enchanting painted stones, imbued with "peaceful, vibrational energy tumbled from the sea" in her beloved Cape Cod.
Sandi is no stranger to heartache; in recent years, she became caregiver to her beloved husband when he was diagnosed with advanced stage cancer. She says,
Sandi also finds soul-deep comfort in visiting her beaches, gathering sea stones and other bits of beauty. In our interview, I said, "The sea is clearly a place of great comfort and inspiration for you. Would you share more about your relationship with the sea?"
Phoenix soul, where do you find comfort lasting and true?
When do you need to give yourself permission (to rest; to feel; to heal)? What stops you from saying yes?
What are some simple ways in which you can comfort your phoenix soul--here, now?
When you care for yourself (richly), you are able to extend that same grace and care to your loved ones and the world around you. Better yet, you'll be giving from a sustainable place, a soul-deep well that is full and fresh.
Join us for comfort true.
60 pages of vibrant art, gaspworthy poetry, brave essays, intimate interviews, evocative creative prompts, and more (all for only $6).
with love & deep respect,
your fellow phoenix