presence :: scenes from here

presence :: scenes from here

Oh hi, July.

Where did you come from?

I'm rising at last from a fog of getting-through
and leaning back into wide-eyed presence,

every day's
delicious drops.

Surprise blooms, popping up when I'd forgotten to look.

They smell like sunshine and hope, even/especially after surviving hailstorm after storm.

Green green green grass, begging for naked soles.

Come out and play, summertime calls.

Creekwater and calm.

Piling precarious stones in the water, each solid heft a prayer of thanks for here and now . . . life in the after. And laughing when the stones tumble into the water, free, after I release my tight grasp.

May we all be.

What are you savoring this July, phoenix souls?
Let's celebrate together.

with love,

PS: Keep an eye out tomorrow for a peek behind the scenes at Carly Mojica's stunning Truth Tribe interview, featured in our current issue, Tenacity. How did she walk away from corporate life and rediscover her soul? How does intuitive painting teach her about letting go? Join us to find out. xo

listen to the whispers // Truth Tribe interview: Carly Mojica

listen to the whispers // Truth Tribe interview: Carly Mojica

morning meditation

morning meditation