own your life // Truth Tribe interview: Jennifer Albin
Phoenix, your life is your own.
This revelation can be both exhilarating and anxiety-producing. It's easy to cast blame, to point fingers, to throw up your hands and say that nothing can be done when life is not going your way (trust me; I've been there!). But guess what? You unlock tremendous power when you realize YOU get to choose. Of course you can't control what happens to you; but how you respond, how you move on and grow? That's all you, baby.
Jennifer Albin, owner of Soul Whisper Arts, discovered this empowering truth in her own life. In a time of deep turmoil and trauma, Jennifer found the strength to change her life for good (and psssst, she definitely didn't have to do it alone).
I'm a huge fan of Jennifer's signature art dolls and inspiring mixed media work. Honestly, though, I hadn't realized how deeply moving her life-story is until recently. Now I understand where the power and depth of her artwork originates: they really are whispers from her soul.
Jennifer's creations speak to the hurting parts of us, saying, "Oh honey, I've been there, too. You'll get through this. You are strong. You are wise. You are loved. And you are never alone."
Jennifer isn't afraid to reveal her past aches, and how she forged a path of healing. Growing up, Jennifer lost her way in the face of grief and addiction. When the father of her children passed away fifteen years ago, Jennifer (then 21) was compelled to overhaul her life as she cared for their boys, then ages 4 and 6. She discovered "a sacred mirror" in a women's therapy group and realized she could change. Now she's "a super firm believer that love conquers all, that the heart of life is in fact awesomely good, and that art heals on some really deep levels."
I'm bey0nd honored to welcome Jennifer to our Truth Tribe. Her interview in our current issue, The Phoenix Soul: SAGE, is deep and true. Her wisdom is hard-won but gentle-spirited. I'm happy to share an excerpt from her interview here today.
Jennifer says that her art "serves as a reminder that [we] are not alone. When you fumble in the dark, there are torch bearers to light the way." I asked her to speak more about why spreading this message is so important to her. She responded,
In addition to Jennifer's soulful creations and monthly bundle boxes, she offers art classes. I asked what she hopes some of the deeper lessons are that students will take from her classes. She answered, in part,
I asked Jennifer what encouragement she'd offer The Phoenix Soul readers also in the process of rediscovering their true selves. She said,
Phoenix, imagine stepping "into the fullness" of your identity today. What would that look like, feel like? Yes, the work may be heartwrenching . . . you may have to give up old stories about yourself and your life. You may have to step (leap) (fly) into your un-known.
But oh, phoenix, just imagine what freedom you'll find. The healing. The hope.
And remember, dear one, you never need journey alone. We phoenix are forever flock. Trusted tribe. We're here for one another.
It's time to own your life. Today.
with love & awe,
(your fellow phoenix)