starlight & story // The Phoenix Soul: INNER TRUTH

starlight & story // The Phoenix Soul: INNER TRUTH

Phoenix, do you remember who you are?

Lately, I've been uncovering my innermost truths at 3 in the morning, when baby wakes (again). When tears fall (mostly his; occasionally, my own) and I'm sometimes powerless to stop them. When moonlight brightens his face and I draw from untapped wells of patience.

These are the aching moments of discovery: I am becoming more than myself. I am stronger and more tenacious than I ever believed. I am new mama, rising.

Phoenix, what innermost truths are coming clear to you?

Remember . . .

You are starlight and story. Ashes and light. Grit and grace. You are holy yes and fierce no. You are a miracle walking this earth.

Our new issue of The Phoenix Soul digital magazine is here. INNER TRUTH is a powerhouse of transparency and strength. 12 courageous women join me in these 60 intensely colorful pages of artwork, poetry, photography, essays, fiction, creative prompts, interviews, and more.

It's time to go within,
to seek our inner constellations.
To release every untruth holding us small.
To sing out all that is true.

water cascading.
the hymn of life all around.
the river moves and i move with it.
the breeze cools my fiery thoughts.
if i touch my pen to tongue the words will burn.
— suzanne l. vinson, "today," The Phoenix Soul: Inner Truth

May you find your truth here.
May you be encouraged,
gently provoked,
and stirred up in all the best ways.

love & respect,
(your fellow phoenix)

"a woman on fire" // Melissa Fernandez: INNER TRUTH

"a woman on fire" // Melissa Fernandez: INNER TRUTH

"mistaeks are mandatory" // Truth Tribe interview: Syda Howery

"mistaeks are mandatory" // Truth Tribe interview: Syda Howery