Close: Hannah Jane Weber

Close: Hannah Jane Weber

by Hannah Jane Weber

a plastic wind bonnet secures her hair
she wears lightweight gloves  
and a long trench coat 
that flutters against scrunched pantyhose

her husband walks slowly behind her
one mottled hand carefully shadowing her left elbow

each time she shuffles into the next step 
and her elbow swings out
his hand darts to close the gap

while she is dressed for morning 
he is dressed for afternoon
scarred knees poke from voluminous shorts
and his jacket sleeves are already rolled up

she rounds the corner
stoops to drop a tissue into the storm drain
but one orthopedic shoe catches the curb 
and she falters
her left elbow flailing 

but he is there 
and his hand promptly seizes her elbow
lifting her from the curb 

they are breathless for a moment
each trembling with relief

his other hand
motionless until now
reaches to pull the rest of her into his body

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Onion: Serena Eve Richardson