What sparks your soul?
What stirs your phoenix within?
// on my bookshelf:
- Nayyirah Waheed's salt. Nothing is wasted here. Every poem is a gasp, a heart-gallop, a shout of yes.
- Cheryl Strayed's Wild. Life-changer. I don't yet have words to describe how much this wildness has shaken loose within me. Just go. Read.
“. . . there was a trapdoor that led to the least true version of me. Now there was only one version. On the PCT I had no choice but to inhabit it entirely, to show my grubby face to the whole wide world.”
// on the web:
- our beloved regular contributor, Beth Morey, has launched a brave & bold new sanctuary: She of the Wild. Oh, how I love this woman and her wildness, her willingness to bare it all because she knows no other way to live. She "thinks deep, in the crevices where most people are afraid to go"--just how we phoenix souls prefer it!
// on Spotify:
- Rising Appalachia: "I'll Fly Away"
- LP: "Heavenly Light"
- Elizaveta, "Dreamer"
“Leave your fear of love behind
Let your dreaming be your guide
If you seek, then you shall find”
// on tv:
- "The Skeleton Twins," with Kristen Wiig & Bill Hader. Raw. Truthful. Messy. This is a story of pain and breaking free, losing yourself and finding your way back--with the help of your misfit tribe. So much good here. Not an easy watch by any means, but one filled with meaning.
What's sparking your soul these days, kindred? Share with us in the comments!